On this website we will upload our public statements and selected correspondence including responses to consultations.

The Society has responded to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for its consultation that will impact the site of the Parramatta Female Factory - Protecting the Vista and Supporting UNESCO World Heritage Listing: A Response to the Parramatta North Rezoning Consultation, February 2025

This matter was drawn to our attention by the Parramatta Female Factory Friends.

Please alert us to similar consultation rounds by contacting us by email.

The Society has been responding to recent consultations regarding the use of cemeteries in Australia, England, and Wales

See the responses below:

Law Commission consultation on burial and cremation (England and Wales)

January 2025

Rural Cemetery Reforms Consultation - Bathurst, NSW

December 2024

The Society of Australian Genealogists responded to the consultation given their relevance to members and Australian genealogists with a family background from the United Kingdom (UK).

Digitisation introduces the risk of tampering, hacking, or unintentional alterations.  Preserving the original paper documents ensures a tangible and unalterable record that can be stored. Access via the digitisation of the materials is not preservation.

Ironclad Sisterhood

Archives Manager, Dr Alexandra Mountain, Education Committee Volunteer, Andrew Redfern, and Macquarie University students Georgia Charlier, Alexandra Scouller, and Christina Wisniewski, digitised and transcribed Society researcher Jess Hill’s convict index.

The team developed a database to encourage collaboration and enable a macro analysis of the dataset, bringing together a large amount of primary source material in a single space. At the same time, it was important to delve deep into individual convict stories, bringing their stories to life through AI imagery, creative biographies, and podcast series.

The Society wrote to The Hon Tony Burke MP, Minister for the Arts, and provided a Pre-Budget Submission to the Commonwealth Treasury in support of the continued funding and access to the national treasure that is Trove.

Since its inception, Trove has provided extensive research materials for family historians both within Australian and abroad and has been regarded as a highly valued resource for researchers and students.

The documents are available from this link.

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