Carol Baxter 2002 Evan Best, OAM 1987 Laurel Burge*, OAM 1988 Sue Comrie-Thomson 2018 Alan Day* 2013 Richard d’Apice, AM 1998 Terry Eakin 2007 Vicki Eldridge 2013 Kerry Farmer 2023 Heather Garnsey, OAM 1992 Philippa Garnsey 2020 Lionel Gilbert*, OAM 1955 Pat Gordon* 1996 Ralph Hawkins 1998 Keith Johnson, AM 1975 | Pauline Kettle 2013 Martyn Killion 2006Ken Knight*, AM 1994 Danielle Lautrec 2024 Errol Lea-Scarlett* 1963 Graham Lewis 2003 Jeffrey Madsen 2024 Megan Martin 2018 Lillyann MacDonald*, 1988 Perry McIntyre, AM 1998 John McLaughlin*, AM 1997 Peter Morrow* 1988 Judith Meyer 2024 Robert Nash 2021 Michelle Nichols, OAM 2018 | Pauline Patterson* 1994 Janette Pelosi 2023 Richard Reid 1994 Carole Riley 2019 Malcolm Sainty, AM 1975Peter Scott 1963 John Spurway 1992 Rex Toomey 1998 Aileen Trinder 2021 Faye Young 1998 John Wilson* 1988 Alison Wolf 2013 Veronica Williams 2023 Jan Worthington 1994 (*deceased) |
Have you ever considered nominating another Society member for the award of Fellow, or perhaps have aspirations of achieving that status yourself, but are unsure of the requirements? The following guidelines should help
To be considered for the award of Fellow, a nominee:
(i) must have been a member of the Society for more than 10 years (need not be consecutive) AND
(ii) have rendered outstanding service to the Society or to scholarship.
(Section 34(d) of the Society’s Constitution)
SAG staff may be considered for the award of the status of Fellow provided they meet the above criteria.
A fellowship is recognition of a sustained commitment and contribution to, ideally, several areas of the Society’s work over a period of not less than 10 years of outstanding service. Contributing to only one area of the Society’s operations, e.g. being a long-term library assistant, member of the conservation team, or contributing to a research group, would be unlikely to qualify for a fellowship in its own right.
Outstanding service does not require the member to have independently published ‘in their own right’, but it is anticipated that the proposed Fellow will have contributed to SAG scholarship, including through articles in Descent and other SAG publications. Conversely, a fellowship would not be awarded to a member who has published in the family history field but not made any direct, continuous and outstanding contribution to the Society’s work.
The SAG Membership Committee is currently responsible for receiving, reviewing and assessing the merits of fellowship nominations for the Society and for making recommendations to the Board for the award of Fellow to those nominees who meet the requirements pursuant to Section 34(d) of the Constitution.
Fellowships (if any) may be assessed at any time throughout the year but are usually awarded annually at the SAG Annual General Meeting.
The award of the status of Fellow is recognition of the outstanding contribution already made to the Society (and therefore to the family history community). There is no expectation that a Fellow take on an ambassador role. Election as a Fellow gives the individual increased standing in the genealogical community, which in turn reflects on the Society (for example, being introduced as a SAG Fellow when speaking at an external event such as Congress).
Should you wish to nominate another Member for the award of Fellow, please send nominations to membership@sag.org.au. There is no set proforma for the application – nominators are asked to provide a citation regarding the proposed Fellow that can be used publicly and that addresses the criteria with relevant supporting evidence included.