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The Society is a registered charity and tax deductible donations can be made at any time. Your gift will support the Society's operations and projects associated with our collection, support the provision of education and family history materials to the public.

Complete the form below to make a donation now; using your Paypal account, or to charge your donation to Visa or Mastercard.  Alternatively you can ring the Society and make your donation over the phone, or speak to staff next time you are in one of our buildings.   The form below will pre-fill for logged in members using the email address you have listed with us.  

If you prefer to make a donation directly to our bank account, details are as follow:

Account Name: Society of Australian Genealogists - Collections Account

Account number: 114052

BSB: 032-100 (Westpac)

Swift Code: WPACAU2S

Westpac Bank - 341 George Street Sydney NSW 2000

All cash donations are tax deductible under the Income Tax Assessment Act (ATO Reference DGR 76233) and a receipt will be issued to you for your records. 

Donations assist us to maintain and develop our resources, services and facilities for the benefit of all current and future researchers. 

The Society is licenced for donations through NSW Charitable Fundraising No. CFN/26276.

We are also reliant on bequests to the Society to sustain our activities. A bequest is where you would provide a donation as part of your will. There is detailed information on bequests available at:

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Sustaining Membership

Why not consider becoming a Sustaining Member, adding a donation of $100 (Silver), $250 (Gold) or $500 (Platinum) to your membership subscription each year?  This is a great way to support our work on a regular basis.  You can change your level of Sustaining Membership, or revert to a standard subscription, at any time. 

Learn about Sustaining Membership

Image:  Audit Department Recreation Club, 28 December 1923, SAG Manuscript and Image Collection, Item 6/1288.008

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Library - 2/379 Kent St, Sydney NSW 2000                       

Offices/Archives - 120 Kent St, Sydney NSW 2000 (Also our postal address)

Gadigal Land

Location map

See our hours of opening for each building.

NSW Charitable Fundraising No. CFN/26276


+61 2 9299 5151 Library (during opening hours)

+61 2 9247 3953 Office            


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