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Anyone can attend our research and software groups, but members enjoy a discounted price. You do not need to 'join' a group - you just book for their meetings when you want to attend. All our group meetings are currently virtual using the Zoom platform. Pre-registration is essential in order to receive the link to log into a meeting. If paying online via PayPal, registration is available up until the time the meeting commences.

To find out when the groups are meeting next, see the Events Calendar or scroll to the bottom of this page. 



     The AI & IT Special Interest Group meets bi-monthly .

     Each session is made of a combination of these different segments (in order to try and encourage participation       and sharing). These sessions are designed to be member driven so if you have something to share or a topic to be covered, please put it forward.  Any content e.g. AI, software, hardware, tools etc. can be slotted into these broad categories.

  • Latest Updates - Developments in AI, software and hardware
  • News and Views - Opinions, discussion points, recommended software/hardware
  • Quick Tips - 3 minutes or less
  • Show & Tell - like at school - share something you've done with AI or Tech
  • In Depth Focus - longer demonstration of tools, software
  • Helpdesk - problems and support, suggestions

The Aotearoa New Zealand Research Group meets twice a year to assist members who are tracing their New Zealand ancestry. The convenor is Pauline Weeks and she can be contacted here

The Caribbean Research Group is for people researching family history with a connection to the Caribbean. A list of places within the Caribbean is available on the FamilySearch wiki.


The Chinese-Australian Research Group is not only for people with Chinese ancestry but anyone with an interest in learning about Chinese lives in Australia. Meetings will feature  guest speakers and practical research advice on using records, websites and DNA.

The Colonial Australia Research Group meets to discuss research on families arriving in any part of Australia between 1788 and 1901. All are welcome to attend our meetings.

This group meets 4 times per year.

The first SAG DNA Research Group was established in 2015 to assist Society members to increase their knowledge of DNA research. Since that time it has covered a variety of topics that set the foundation skills for group members. The Society has developed a range of activities aimed at the wide spectrum of needs, from those just wanting to know what DNA is all about, to the advanced user. We now have two DNA Research Groups – Tools in practice for the intermediate level researcher and Research Discussion Group for those using advanced genetic genealogy techniques.

The English Research Group is an opportunity to meet with others who have ancestors from any of England's many counties, or just have a research interest in England. Discuss research strategies and resources, and swap ideas and knowledge.

This group is suitable for beginners through to those with many years researching experience. The research group meets about 3-4 times a year. You can become a member of the group just by attending our meetings. Newcomers are always welcome!

The group is co-ordinated by Linda, Annesley and Diana. You can submit a question to the group in advance of a meeting by clicking here

The FTM User Group meets to support those who use Family Tree Maker software to organise their genealogical research. The program was owned by until March 2016 when it was taken over by Software MacKiev. The group is facilitated by volunteers who are willing to share their knowledge and experiences. Everyone is welcome, whether you are a potential, new or long term user of FTM software.

Our focus group supports members with two main initiatives.

1.      Meetings
These occur four times a year. Currently, these meetings are scheduled in February, May, August and November. These interactive meetings consist of presentations on techniques, tips, hints and experiences in using the many and varied features of the program. These are discussion-led sessions and there is plenty of time dedicated to questions and answers (Q&A).  The focus is on the current version of the software. However, users of older versions are welcomed and encouraged. Every effort is made to answer questions within the context of the version to which the query relates.

2.      Online discussion board
Access by invitation only (for security and privacy), members can post questions, seek answers, make suggestions and obtain support.  Fellow members can offer answers and suggestions based on their own experiences, or a member can simply read posts of others. Previous Q&As on various topics can be searched.

You can join by emailing your full name, SAG membership number and expiry date.

If you already have DNA chromosome analysis skills and are using the GDAT database tool to manage your DNA information, you might wish to join our new user group.  SAG user groups are aimed at ‘members helping members’ so this is a collaborative working group aimed at sharing information and knowledge.  You must be a SAG member to join this group.

Sessions will include a short presentation on a specified topic identified by the group, followed by discussion between group members, then round table Q&A regarding the product.

The Irish Research Group is an opportunity to meet with others who have ancestors from either the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland (maybe you have both) or just have a research interest in an aspect of Irish records. Discuss research strategies and resources, swap ideas and knowledge.

This group is suitable for beginners through to those with many years researching experience. The research group meets about 3-4 times a year. You can become a member of the group by attending any of our meetings. Newcomers are always welcome!

The Legacy User Group is for people who use Legacy Family Tree software and wish to share their knowledge and experience with others. Everyone is welcome whether a new or long term user of this family history software program. Even if you are just considering using Legacy you are welcome to come along.

The focus of the group is to give support to members using Legacy to enter and store family research. At meetings there are presentations on techniques, tips, and hints. All members of the group are encouraged to contribute information which could help others. Time is dedicated to questions and discussion at  every meeting.

Regular meetings are scheduled and details can be found in the Events Calendar.

Reunion is a great genealogy program for Mac users that allows you to easily document and display information about your family. It features a navigable graphic Tree View in the form of an hourglass or ancestor chart, allowing you to navigate to everyone in your tree. It also has a variety of visually appealing, high quality charts and other useful reports, and an outstanding help manual.

The group coordinators Danny O’Neill and Dale Fogarty aim to work collaboratively with its members on how to best use all the features of Reunion and how to resolve any Reunion or Mac-related issues that you may have. We would love to receive any topic suggestions or questions in advance by clicking here  to send an email to the coordinators. Please include your SAG membership number and expiry date of your membership in the email subject line.


Danny O’Neill is with the Canberra family history group FHACT (aka HAGSOC) convening the Digital Asset Management group (DAMSIG) and Reunion and Macintosh Support User Group (RAMSUG). Main interests are in photography, scanning and book designing, and struggles to maintain a large garden. He is retired from careers as a photographer and film archivist, and enjoys helping people where he can. He looks forward to working with Dale and the team in restarting the Reunion group that includes Mac related support, but is not an expert.

Dale Fogarty is a long-time user of Mac and Reunion, who is open to exchanging information and ideas to support our mutual enthusiasm for quality family history research, combining traditional genealogy and DNA approaches, and using a range of tools to organise, analyse and report findings. Dale enjoys working collaboratively, helping and learning from others. Dale is also the convenor of the Irish Interest Group at the Qld Family History Society.

The Scottish Research Group is an opportunity to meet with others who have ancestors from any of Scotland's counties from the highlands and Islands all the way down to the border areas, or just have a research interest in Scotland. Discuss research strategies and resources, and swap ideas and knowledge.
This group is suitable for beginners through to those with many years researching experience. The research group meets about 3-4 times a year. You can become a member of the group just by attending our meetings. Newcomers are always welcome!

TmG  Software Group

The Master Genealogist (or TMG) software allows family historians to fully customise data, reports and charts to suit their own     requirements. It is very flexible and powerful, and can be used by professional genealogists and beginners alike.

Unfortunately development and developer support ceased in 2014, but the software and licences are still available for purchase through an agent. There is a very active Australasian user group known as TMG DOWN UNDER, supported by a large world-wide email network, and associated software to produce GEDCOM, eBooks and websites from TMG data.

The aim of TMG DOWN UNDER is to allow members to exchange information, ideas, and techniques for using TMG and related programs in their family history, through monthly on-line workshops using ZOOM. Group members have different levels of experience with TMG, from many years through to complete novices.

The group operates an email List where questions can be asked and answered, and events publicised.  See the group website here for full information.

The Writing Group formed late in 2013 and meets on a regular basis via Zoom, usually on the second Thursday morning of each month. Meetings consists of a presentation, show & tell, and an open forum for questions and comments.

This is a support/self-help group, not one for expert writers (although we do have a few published authors in our ranks). Our aim is to encourage members to exchange information, ideas, and techniques for writing their family and local histories.

In 2023 The Writing Group is excited to welcome Elizabeth and Emily as the new group leads, following the retirement of the previous lead, Lilian.

This group is new in 2023. The inaugural meeting was held on 18 February. Led by Thistle, Larry, Melissa and Suzanne come along and find out how to research your ancestors from the USA & Canada.

Image: Group of men at a party, SAG Manuscript and Image Collection, Item 5/10059


Upcoming events

    • 29 March 2025
    • 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
    • Via Zoom
    • 472

    Topic: What repetitive DNA tasks could be replaced by AI tools to help us increase our productivity?          

    Facilitator: Sharon Watson

    Group Leads: Veronica Williams and Danielle Lautrec

    This session is a facilitated discussion session which seeks to identify a list of manual repetitive tasks members would find useful in improving their research productivity and ranking them in terms of priority. The session will also seek volunteers to work in small groups to progress the development of the identified tools with the view to adding them to the SAG shared library of AI DNA tools. Information and discussion questions will be distributed before the meeting, it requires pre-work by participants with all attendees expected to contribute to the discussion.

    Please note: The topics and tools discussed at this group are pitched at an advanced level and the Research Discussion Group meetings are not recommended for those just beginning their DNA journey.

    • 05 April 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • via Zoom
    • 468

    Our April session is based on the theme of "Turning Points" -  events in the lives of our ancestors during the 1800's that caused major changes and potentially created new records for us to explore. These events can be political, religious, economic, or innovation/technology driven or combinations of these themes.

    We have four speakers who have each chosen to present a "Turning Point" :

    • The Scottish Potato Famine -  Brian Maclachlan 
    • Construction of the Caledonian Canal -  Bronwyn Macleod
    • The Disruption and establishment of the Free Church - Jane Van Balen
    • Evolution of the the Northern Agricultural Implement & Foundry Company - Elizabeth Gordon

    Presentations will cover the historical background and impact of the "turning point", tracing the impact on presenters' ancestors where possible and reviewing novel information sources that members can access beyond our normal  sources.

    Join us for different 'take' on Scottish research - everyone welcome.

    Skill level:  All, beginners welcome    

    Leads: Diana Pecar, Elizabeth Gordon and Sally Skulte

    • 05 April 2025
    • 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
    • Via Zoom
    • 487

    Topic: Tying the Knot: Tracing Marriage Records in New Zealand

    Where can you find marriage records in New Zealand and how can these help with your research? This session will focus on key sources such as Civil Registration, Church Records, Archives, including Intentions to Marry, and PapersPast along with other sources. We will also look at some of the wedding fashions of the 19th and 20th centuries.

    We would love attendees to contribute to this meeting by  sharing stories or showing any photographs, heirlooms or other ephemera they may own related to their ancestors weddings in New Zealand (remember to only show photographs of people who or no longer living or with the explicit permission of anyone who is still alive).

    If anyone has a marriage/wedding story or photographs they would like to share please email Please put 'April Aotearoa NZ Group meeting' in the subject line of the email so we can have advance notice of those with things to share.

    Skill level: All    

    Convenor: Pauline Weeks

    • 05 April 2025
    • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    • via Zoom
    • 461

    Topic: Girt by Sea

    19 March 2025 marks 230 years since the wrecking of HMS Sirius off Norfolk Island.

    This event was a huge blow to the starving colony and underlined the critical importance of shipping to the colony’s survival. The colony struggled and survived but remained dependent on shipping.

    Shipping brought convicts and settlers, food and goods and included coastal passenger and river shipping, boat building - nothing was done without it.

    At our first meeting in 2025 we’re exploring this essential facet of colonial settlement. Come join us and hear about the land that is ‘girt by sea’.

    Skill level: All

    Group Leads: Lorraine Luks, Kristine Newton, Sharon Shelley and Andrew Redfern

    This is an online session using the Zoom platform.

    • 10 April 2025
    • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Via Zoom
    • 479

    Mastering Microsoft Word for Creative Writers.

    Join us for an insightful session on harnessing the power of Microsoft Word to streamline your writing process. With decades of experience in word processing, Deborah Martin will demonstrate using styles to create a table of contents; customising headers and footers; inserting footnotes and endnotes; and using reviewing tools such as comments and track changes. Whether you're drafting a novel, preparing a manuscript, or organizing research, these tools will help you work more efficiently and professionally.

    Perfect for writers looking to make the most of their software.

    About The Writing Group:

    Are you interested in writing about your family history but need a bit more motivation or encouragement? 

    Come along to The Writing Group and work on your writing skills in a fun and supportive atmosphere. The group meets via Zoom on the second Thursday of each month and has a varied program of activities and speakers designed to help you progress your project/s - whatever style of writing you are interested in!

    In addition to the group meetings there is an optional forum utilising the Basecamp website where group attendees can discuss writing projects and share ideas between meetings. 

    Come and join us, new attendees are always welcome.

    Skill Level: All    

    Group Leads: Elizabeth Capelin & Emily Purser

    Each session will be recorded so you can join live or watch the recording later.

    • 03 May 2025
    • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    • via Zoom
    • 495

    Topic: TBA

    Calling all SAG members and friends with Caribbean ancestry or interests! 

    Everyone is welcome to attend and, as SAG Research Groups are collaborative, we ask that all attendees please help their fellow researchers by offering suggestions of how to progress their research or simply share any resources you may be aware of which may help. 

    Group Leads: Sally Byatt and Judy Charlton

    Skill level: All

    Image courtesy of Unsplash

    • 08 May 2025
    • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Via Zoom
    • 492

    About The Writing Group:

    Are you interested in writing about your family history but need a bit more motivation or encouragement? 

    Come along to The Writing Group and work on your writing skills in a fun and supportive atmosphere. The group meets via Zoom on the second Thursday of each month and has a varied program of activities and speakers designed to help you progress your project/s - whatever style of writing you are interested in!

    In addition to the group meetings there is an optional forum utilising the Basecamp website where group attendees can discuss writing projects and share ideas between meetings. 

    Come and join us, new attendees are always welcome.

    Skill Level: All    

    Group Leads: Elizabeth Capelin & Emily Purser

    Each session will be recorded so you can join live or watch the recording later.

    • 17 May 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • via Zoom
    • 489

    Come along and join us as we research our English ancestors in a collaborative, friendly and engaging research group. Make sure you have your questions ready and also be ready to assist others if you are able to as this is the basis of what all SAG Groups are about - people helping other people with ideas and suggestions about their family research. 

    This is an online session using the Zoom platform.

    Convenors: Diana Pecar, Linda Radulovitch and Annesley Watson

    Skill level: All

    • 28 May 2025
    • 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Via Zoom
    • 484

    Are you wanting to learn about some of the latest technology tools and AI approaches for Family History?  Wanting some tips and tricks for using different software? Join our bi-monthly AI & IT Special Interest Group Meetings.

    Each session is made of a combination of these different segments (in order to try and encourage participation and sharing). These sessions are designed to be member driven so if you have something to share or a topic to be covered, please put it forward.  Any content e.g. AI, software, hardware, tools etc. can be slotted into these broad categories.

    • Latest Updates - Developments in AI, software and hardware
    • News and Views - Opinions, discussion points, recommended software/hardware
    • Quick Tips - 3 minutes or less
    • Show & Tell - like at school - share something you've done with AI or Tech
    • In Depth Focus - longer demonstration of tools, software
    • Helpdesk - problems and support, suggestions

    Skill level: All

    Group Leads: Andrew Redfern, Yvonne Masters, Sandy Pullen and Maureen Trotter


    • 31 May 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Via Zoom
    • 498

    Our Legacy Group sessions are suitable for beginners and also experienced users. If you have been using Legacy for a while, bring along your tips to share with others in the group. This session will be recorded, so you can attend live or watch the recording later. Copies of the slides and some exercises to practice will also be provided.

    This session will be held online via the Zoom platform.

    Skill level: All     Convenor:  Danielle Lautrec

    • 10 June 2025
    • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • via Zoom
    • 490

    Come along and join us as we research our Irish ancestors in a collaborative, friendly and engaging research group. Make sure you have your questions ready and also be ready to assist others if you are able to as this is the basis of what all SAG Groups are about - people helping other people with ideas and suggestions about their family research.

    Skill level: All

         Group Leads: Kathleen Hackett & Sally Skulte

    Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

    • 12 June 2025
    • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Via Zoom
    • 195

    How can Artificial Intelligence enhance the creative writing process while preserving our unique voice?

    In this session, Deborah Martin will demonstrate how AI can support storytelling without replacing creativity. She will explore practical ways AI can assist without outlining story structure, generating vivid scene descriptions and natural dialogue, brainstorming compelling chapter and book titles, adjusting tone and style for different audiences - all while keeping the writer in control of their narrative.

    About The Writing Group:

    Are you interested in writing about your family history but need a bit more motivation or encouragement? 

    Come along to The Writing Group and work on your writing skills in a fun and supportive atmosphere. The group meets via Zoom on the second Thursday of each month and has a varied program of activities and speakers designed to help you progress your project/s - whatever style of writing you are interested in!

    In addition to the group meetings there is an optional forum utilising the Basecamp website where group attendees can discuss writing projects and share ideas between meetings. 

    Come and join us, new attendees are always welcome.

    Skill Level: All    

    Group Leads: Elizabeth Capelin & Emily Purser

    Each session will be recorded so you can join live or watch the recording later.

    • 21 June 2025
    • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    • via Zoom
    • 494

    Come along and join us as we research our colonial ancestors in a collaborative, friendly and engaging research group. Make sure you have your questions ready and also be ready to assist others if you are able to as this is the basis of what all SAG Groups are about - people helping other people with ideas and suggestions about their family research. 

    Skill level: All

    Group Leads: Lorraine Luks, Kristine Newton, Sharon Shelley and Andrew Redfern

    This is an online session using the Zoom platform.

    • 28 June 2025
    • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    • via Zoom
    • 499

    Come along and join us as we research our Chinese Australian ancestors in a collaborative, friendly and engaging research group. Make sure you have your questions ready and also be ready to assist others if you are able to as this is the basis of what all SAG Groups are about - people helping other people with ideas and suggestions about their family research. 

    Skill level:  All, beginners welcome    

    Leads: Hilda Maclean

    Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash

    • 10 July 2025
    • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Via Zoom
    • 198

    About The Writing Group:

    Are you interested in writing about your family history but need a bit more motivation or encouragement? 

    Come along to The Writing Group and work on your writing skills in a fun and supportive atmosphere. The group meets via Zoom on the second Thursday of each month and has a varied program of activities and speakers designed to help you progress your project/s - whatever style of writing you are interested in!

    In addition to the group meetings there is an optional forum utilising the Basecamp website where group attendees can discuss writing projects and share ideas between meetings. 

    Come and join us, new attendees are always welcome.

    Skill Level: All    

    Group Leads: Elizabeth Capelin & Emily Purser

    Each session will be recorded so you can join live or watch the recording later.

    • 24 July 2025
    • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • via Zoom
    • 494

    Come along and join us as we research our Scottish ancestors in a collaborative, friendly and engaging research group. Make sure you have your questions ready and also be ready to assist others if you are able to as this is the basis of what all SAG Groups are about - people helping other people with ideas and suggestions about their family research.

    Skill level:  All, beginners welcome    

    Leads: Diana Pecar, Elizabeth Gordon and Sally Skulte

    • 30 July 2025
    • 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Via Zoom
    • 492

    Are you wanting to learn about some of the latest technology tools and AI approaches for Family History?  Wanting some tips and tricks for using different software? Join our bi-monthly AI & IT Special Interest Group Meetings.

    Each session is made of a combination of these different segments (in order to try and encourage participation and sharing). These sessions are designed to be member driven so if you have something to share or a topic to be covered, please put it forward.  Any content e.g. AI, software, hardware, tools etc. can be slotted into these broad categories.

    • Latest Updates - Developments in AI, software and hardware
    • News and Views - Opinions, discussion points, recommended software/hardware
    • Quick Tips - 3 minutes or less
    • Show & Tell - like at school - share something you've done with AI or Tech
    • In Depth Focus - longer demonstration of tools, software
    • Helpdesk - problems and support, suggestions

    Skill level: All

    Group Leads: Andrew Redfern, Yvonne Masters, Sandy Pullen and Maureen Trotter


    • 02 August 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Via Zoom
    • 499

    Our Legacy Group sessions are suitable for beginners and also experienced users. If you have been using Legacy for a while, bring along your tips to share with others in the group. This session will be recorded, so you can attend live or watch the recording later. Copies of the slides and some exercises to practice will also be provided.

    This session will be held online via the Zoom platform.

    Skill level: All     Convenor:  Danielle Lautrec

    • 14 August 2025
    • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Via Zoom
    • 198

    Topic: Copyright

    Lilian Magill will be discussing Copyright and how it applies to genealogy, looking at what is covered under copyright, and where to look on various sites for their copyright conditions.

    About The Writing Group:

    Are you interested in writing about your family history but need a bit more motivation or encouragement? 

    Come along to The Writing Group and work on your writing skills in a fun and supportive atmosphere. The group meets via Zoom on the second Thursday of each month and has a varied program of activities and speakers designed to help you progress your project/s - whatever style of writing you are interested in!

    In addition to the group meetings there is an optional forum utilising the Basecamp website where group attendees can discuss writing projects and share ideas between meetings. 

    Come and join us, new attendees are always welcome.

    Skill Level: All    

    Group Leads: Elizabeth Capelin & Emily Purser

    Each session will be recorded so you can join live or watch the recording later.

    • 28 August 2025
    • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • via Zoom
    • 495

    Come along and join us as we research our English ancestors in a collaborative, friendly and engaging research group. Make sure you have your questions ready and also be ready to assist others if you are able to as this is the basis of what all SAG Groups are about - people helping other people with ideas and suggestions about their family research. 

    This is an online session using the Zoom platform.

    Convenors: Diana Pecar, Linda Radulovitch and Annesley Watson

    Skill level: All

    • 30 August 2025
    • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Via Zoom
    • 47

    Genealogical DNA Analysis Tool (GDAT) User Group

    If you already have DNA chromosome analysis skills and are using the GDAT database tool to manage your DNA information, you might wish to join our new user group.  SAG user groups are aimed at ‘members helping members’ so this is a collaborative working group aimed at sharing information and knowledge.  You must be a SAG member to join this group.

    Sessions will include a short presentation on a specified topic identified by the group, followed by discussion between group members, then round table Q&A regarding the product.  We will meet on Saturdays at 11.00-13.00 using the Zoom platform.  We won’t be recording the sessions, so you must attend live.

    Important things to note:

    1. Discussion will be focused on utilising the GDAT software for DNA analysis;
    2. Members must have an understanding of the principles of chromosome analysis before joining the group;
    3. Chromosome analysis questions WILL NOT be discussed, except in the context of using the GDAT product.

    Pre-requisite Knowledge for using GDAT:

    1. Be computer literate;
    2. Have the ability to work with spreadsheets and large data sets;
    3. Have been working with DNA results at GEDmatch, FamilyTree DNA, My Heritage, or 23andMe for over 12 months;
    4. Understand the concepts of chromosome analysis and can apply them in practice, in particular:
      1. Be able to differentiate between shared matches and shared segments;
      2. Be able to interpret when matches are ICW on a segment;
      3. Understand triangulation concepts and how to identify Triangulated Groups at each DNA site.

    Before joining our user group, it is best if you have already:

    * Watched the video and undertaken all the tasks in the Quick Start Guide (Setting up) -

    * Read how the developer (Becky) approaches her DNA analysis, recognising the tool allows for multiple variations -

    * Set up at least one profile, added a pedigree for that profile and have uploaded segment data from at least one DNA company, such as GEDmatch, FTDNA, 23&Me or My Heritage.  GEDmatch is probably the easiest to start with, utilising Tier 1 tools is recommended for the triangulation report  (but not essential).

    Any issues arising consult the user guide

    If it's not covered in the user guide submit the question for discussion at the next meeting by posting in the SAG GDAT User Group, or if the enquiry is more urgent utilise the Facebook GDAT User group

    Skill level: Advanced DNA knowledge    

    Group Lead: Veronica Williams

     This session will not be recorded. Please only register if you are able to attend at the advertised time.

    • 10 September 2025
    • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • via Zoom
    • 493

    Come along and join us as we research our Irish ancestors in a collaborative, friendly and engaging research group. Make sure you have your questions ready and also be ready to assist others if you are able to as this is the basis of what all SAG Groups are about - people helping other people with ideas and suggestions about their family research.

    Skill level: All

         Group Leads: Kathleen Hackett & Sally Skulte

    Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

    • 11 September 2025
    • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Via Zoom
    • 198

    About The Writing Group:

    Are you interested in writing about your family history but need a bit more motivation or encouragement? 

    Come along to The Writing Group and work on your writing skills in a fun and supportive atmosphere. The group meets via Zoom on the second Thursday of each month and has a varied program of activities and speakers designed to help you progress your project/s - whatever style of writing you are interested in!

    In addition to the group meetings there is an optional forum utilising the Basecamp website where group attendees can discuss writing projects and share ideas between meetings. 

    Come and join us, new attendees are always welcome.

    Skill Level: All    

    Group Leads: Elizabeth Capelin & Emily Purser

    Each session will be recorded so you can join live or watch the recording later.

    • 20 September 2025
    • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    • via Zoom
    • 495

    Come along and join us as we research our colonial ancestors in a collaborative, friendly and engaging research group. Make sure you have your questions ready and also be ready to assist others if you are able to as this is the basis of what all SAG Groups are about - people helping other people with ideas and suggestions about their family research. 

    Skill level: All

    Group Leads: Lorraine Luks, Kristine Newton, Sharon Shelley and Andrew Redfern

    This is an online session using the Zoom platform.

    • 24 September 2025
    • 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Via Zoom
    • 493

    Are you wanting to learn about some of the latest technology tools and AI approaches for Family History?  Wanting some tips and tricks for using different software? Join our bi-monthly AI & IT Special Interest Group Meetings.

    Each session is made of a combination of these different segments (in order to try and encourage participation and sharing). These sessions are designed to be member driven so if you have something to share or a topic to be covered, please put it forward.  Any content e.g. AI, software, hardware, tools etc. can be slotted into these broad categories.

    • Latest Updates - Developments in AI, software and hardware
    • News and Views - Opinions, discussion points, recommended software/hardware
    • Quick Tips - 3 minutes or less
    • Show & Tell - like at school - share something you've done with AI or Tech
    • In Depth Focus - longer demonstration of tools, software
    • Helpdesk - problems and support, suggestions

    Skill level: All

    Group Leads: Andrew Redfern, Yvonne Masters, Sandy Pullen and Maureen Trotter


    • 27 September 2025
    • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    • via Zoom
    • 499

    Come along and join us as we research our Chinese Australian ancestors in a collaborative, friendly and engaging research group. Make sure you have your questions ready and also be ready to assist others if you are able to as this is the basis of what all SAG Groups are about - people helping other people with ideas and suggestions about their family research. 

    Skill level:  All, beginners welcome    

    Leads: Hilda Maclean

    Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash

    • 09 October 2025
    • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Via Zoom
    • 198

    About The Writing Group:

    Are you interested in writing about your family history but need a bit more motivation or encouragement? 

    Come along to The Writing Group and work on your writing skills in a fun and supportive atmosphere. The group meets via Zoom on the second Thursday of each month and has a varied program of activities and speakers designed to help you progress your project/s - whatever style of writing you are interested in!

    In addition to the group meetings there is an optional forum utilising the Basecamp website where group attendees can discuss writing projects and share ideas between meetings. 

    Come and join us, new attendees are always welcome.

    Skill Level: All    

    Group Leads: Elizabeth Capelin & Emily Purser

    Each session will be recorded so you can join live or watch the recording later.

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