Genealogical DNA Analysis Tool (GDAT) User Group
If you already have DNA chromosome analysis skills and are using the GDAT database tool to manage your DNA information, you might wish to join our new user group. SAG user groups are aimed at ‘members helping members’ so this is a collaborative working group aimed at sharing information and knowledge. You must be a SAG member to join this group.
Sessions will include a short presentation on a specified topic identified by the group, followed by discussion between group members, then round table Q&A regarding the product. We will meet on Saturdays at 11.00-13.00 using the Zoom platform. We won’t be recording the sessions, so you must attend live.
Important things to note:
- Discussion will be focused on utilising the GDAT software for DNA analysis;
- Members must have an understanding of the principles of chromosome analysis before joining the group;
- Chromosome analysis questions WILL NOT be discussed, except in the context of using the GDAT product.
Pre-requisite Knowledge for using GDAT:
- Be computer literate;
- Have the ability to work with spreadsheets and large data sets;
- Have been working with DNA results at GEDmatch, FamilyTree DNA, My Heritage, or 23andMe for over 12 months;
Understand the concepts of chromosome analysis and can apply them in practice, in particular:
- Be able to differentiate between shared matches and shared segments;
- Be able to interpret when matches are ICW on a segment;
- Understand triangulation concepts and how to identify Triangulated Groups at each DNA site.
Before joining our user group, it is best if you have already:
* Watched the video and undertaken all the tasks in the Quick Start Guide (Setting up) -
* Read how the developer (Becky) approaches her DNA analysis, recognising the tool allows for multiple variations -
* Set up at least one profile, added a pedigree for that profile and have uploaded segment data from at least one DNA company, such as GEDmatch, FTDNA, 23&Me or My Heritage. GEDmatch is probably the easiest to start with, utilising Tier 1 tools is recommended for the triangulation report (but not essential).
Any issues arising consult the user guide
If it's not covered in the user guide submit the question for discussion at the next meeting by posting in the SAG GDAT User Group, or if the enquiry is more urgent utilise the Facebook GDAT User group
Skill level: Advanced DNA knowledge
Group Lead: Veronica Williams
This session will not be recorded. Please only register if you are able to attend at the advertised time.