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GROUP: AI & Tech Special Interest Group

  • 27 November 2024
  • 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Via Zoom
  • 500


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Are you wanting to learn about some of the latest technology tools and AI approaches for Family History?  Wanting some tips and tricks for using different software? Join our bi-monthly AI & IT Interest Group Meetings.

Each session is made of a combination of these different segments (in order to try and encourage participation and sharing). These sessions are designed to be member driven so if you have something to share or a topic to be covered, please put it forward.  Any content e.g. AI, software, hardware, tools etc. can be slotted into these broad categories.

  • Latest Updates - Developments in AI, software and hardware
  • News and Views - Opinions, discussion points, recommended software/hardware
  • Quick Tips - 3 minutes or less
  • Show & Tell - like at school - share something you've done with AI or Tech
  • In Depth Focus - longer demonstration of tools, software
  • Helpdesk - problems and support, suggestions

Skill level: All

Group Leads: Andrew Redfern, Yvonne Masters, Sandy Pullen and Maureen Trotter 

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