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The Society of Australian Genealogists enjoys hosting internship/placement students and we hope they learn as much from us, and we do from them!

We see placement opportunities as a way to inspire the next generation of historical, cultural and  information professionals and understand how invaluable real-world work and industry experience can be.

We welcome applications from students who are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and students with disabilities.

Placement opportunities may be available in our library. The Society operates with a small staff team, and while we endeavour to accommodate students on a case-by-case basis, sometimes opportunities may not be available. Please note that at this time, we are unable to facilitate virtual volunteering opportunities. 


Tertiary students

Placement opportunity structure:

  • Available to students where it is a required component of their course or subject at a recognised Australian tertiary educational institution
  • Typically, students spend 2-3 days per week with the Society
  • Typically, days include Tuesdays, Wednesdays and /or Thursdays.
  • We are open to discussing other days and placement structures depending on the needs of the student and current capacity of the Society staff.

Potential placement students:

  • Must be currently enrolled in a relevant course at a recognised Australian tertiary educational institution.
  • The placement must be a required component of the student’s course or subject. Placements/internships are therefore unpaid.
  • Students must fund their own travel or accommodation costs.

Who to contact?

Send us an email (info[at] including:

  • Your ideal days and dates for your internship/placement.
  • Your resume.
  • The name and location of the relevant course you’re enrolled in.
  • The required length of your internship for the unit of study (i.e., 10 days, 20 days etc)
  • A little blurb about why you would like to complete your industry placement with us!

What happens next:

  1. After you email us, a staff member will aim to get back to you within 7 days.
  2. We will arrange a brief Zoom call with you to discuss project ideas.
  3. If you would still like to proceed, we will complete a Program Outline and send to you to submit to your educational institution.
  4. Once confirmed by the educational institution, we will need a copy of the appropriate Certificate of Currency for insurance and any other relevant paperwork.
  5. We will send you a final confirmation email with dates, locations etc and will also be in touch at least 1 week out from your start date.


Secondary School students

Unfortunately at this time we are unable to accept work experience / placement requests from secondary school students. 

Can't find what you're looking for? Search here ...


Library - 2/379 Kent St, Sydney NSW 2000                       

Offices/Archives - 120 Kent St, Sydney NSW 2000 (Also our postal address)

Gadigal Land

Location map

See our hours of opening for each building.

NSW Charitable Fundraising No. CFN/26276


+61 2 9299 5151 Library (during opening hours)

+61 2 9247 3953 Office            


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