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  • 01 March 2023 1:55 PM
    Message # 13114553

    Please use this topic as a follow up to a previous meeting, or to put up your hand to present or add to the discussion in upcoming meetings.

  • 13 May 2023 7:28 PM
    Reply # 13201034 on 13114553

    Our group email is

    Please get in touch with us by this email with your suggestions or input for upcoming meetings.

  • 13 May 2023 7:35 PM
    Reply # 13201035 on 13114553

    Our next meeting is on Saturday 3 June and we'll be focussing on brick walls relating to Arrivals, as a follow on from our March meeting.

    We're seeking your input on your Arrival brick walls involving one of the following:

    • convicts 
    • crew/mariners 
    • military
    • assisted passengers or 
    • unassisted passengers.

    Contact us via our email if you wish to have your brick wall included. We have a template and guidelines to help you.

    See the SAG email of 12 May for further details!

  • 20 May 2023 11:46 AM
    Reply # 13204319 on 13114553

    Thanks to those who have been in touch with us about their Arrival brick walls.

    Looking for convict, crew/mariners and military arrival brick walls.

    Do you have an ancestor from one of these groups whose arrival is a bit of a mystery?

    Please get in touch!


  • 24 May 2023 1:56 PM
    Reply # 13205787 on 13204319
    Anonymous wrote:

    Thanks to those who have been in touch with us about their Arrival brick walls.

    Looking for convict, crew/mariners and military arrival brick walls.

    Do you have an ancestor from one of these groups whose arrival is a bit of a mystery?

    Please get in touch!


  • 13 August 2023 4:37 PM
    Reply # 13240208 on 13114553

    On 2 September Dr Ashley Barnwell is our guest presenter and will be talking about her research into the stories or secrets or blurring of family history and how that informs our understanding of Indigenous and colonial settler experiences. We should have a lively Q&A session after such a thought provoking presentation.

    In the second half of our meeting, we’ll be discussing our own experiences of the sugar coating of our individual family histories, how it has influenced our understanding of our family and how we’ve unraveled the truth.

    Our meeting will run from 12.30 to 2.30pm. We hope to see you there.

  • 13 August 2023 4:43 PM
    Reply # 13240209 on 13114553

    For our Saturday 2 September meeting we're calling for input from our members.

    As family history researchers, we often come across instances where past generations have hidden or sugar coated family history. This has led to our histories denying the existence of convicts, bushrangers, mutineers, stowaways, deserters and events called non parental events or unexplained parental events. Sometimes this sends us down the wrong research path and a lot of time and energy is spent backtracking and untangling the threads.

    While these can be sensitive areas to explore, we’re looking to our members to share their experience of family history and how the sugar coating of family stories led them astray and how they resolved the puzzle.

    Please get in touch with us on our email if you are interested in presenting to our meeting:

  • 22 August 2023 3:22 PM
    Reply # 13243896 on 13114553

    Myths and Mythbusters!

    Have you got an ancestor who was larger than life?

    And when you looked for details to write up a brilliant memoir of your ancestor, suddenly the story fell apart.

    Or do you have an ancestor who big noted themselves in a local newspaper interview?

    Only for you to check through the facts and find they were a phoney.

    Maybe one of your ancestors is famous/infamous and all the generations have venerated them for their brilliant career.

    After doing many SAG courses you’ve taken on the advice to find the sources for deeds of your famous/infamous ancestor. But the sources don’t add up and you find s/he’s not your family after all.

    If these instances sound familiar or you have similar stories, please get in touch with us on our email. We’d love you to present to our group about how you unraveled the truth and what impact this has had on your family history. 

    Our next meeting is on 2 September at 12.30pm.

  • 13 September 2023 12:13 PM
    Reply # 13253682 on 13114553

    Our next meeting is on Saturday 18 November  from 3pm.

    This is our final meeting for 2023.

    We'll be talking about Sources and Resources for colonial history research and catching up with our Brickwall presenters in June to see how they have progressed.

    Don't forget you can contact us at: 

  • 23 January 2024 11:36 AM
    Reply # 13304527 on 13114553

    In our 16 March meeting we'll examine the colonial rural expansion - the march inland.

    Do you have a squatter or pastoralist, shepherd or stockman in your family tree? Or maybe your forebears were the town wheelwright or funeral director. We'd love to bring the bush to life in our meeting through your family stories of these colonists. 

    Get in contact with us to contribute to the discussion on rural ancestors. It could be a recent research find, a brickwall or breakthrough, or some rural research insights.

    Our email is 

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